Version 22

Component Search Engine

Component Search Engine

Access to over 13 million components and their symbols

V22 provides you access to the Easy-PC Component Search Engine, brought to you in partnership with Samacsys, this service provides unlimited access to over 13 million components and symbols that can be interactively downloaded directly into your libraries and onto the end of your cursor, ready for placement in Easy-PC.

Manufacturer values added to Components

All manufacturer values such as Part Number and Price are added to the Component within Easy-PC upon download, further reducing the time taken to create components and ensuring they contain all relevant values needed for your Bill of Material (BOM).

Visit Search Engine Website

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Associated Parts

Associated Parts

There is a new type of Library item introduced for version 22 called an Associated Part. This is used when a component requires additional items to be provided on the Bill Of Materials (BOM) but where you do not wish them to physically appear in the design, e.g. a TO-220 transistor would include the Heatsink, Bolt, Nylon Washer and Thermal Paste where as a design may have the PCB and Mounting Lugs added as an associated part.

Component and Design Level Associated Parts

Associated Parts can be added to both the Design and also the Component level, providing you flexibility and accuracy in your BOM report.

Associated Parts
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New Additions to Plotting and Printing

New additions to Plotting and Printing

Include Reports

The ability to specify Reports when generating a 'set' of plots has been added to the Plotting and Printing dialog. This allows you to include reports such as a Bill of Materials, Layers Report and a Design Rule Check report automatically at the Plotting stage.

Include DXF and IDF in your Plots

DXF and IDF outputs can now be included as part of your Plotting process, enabling you to produce a complete set of outputs in one easy to use dialog.

Customisable Plotting File and Folder Names

Version 22 introduces user-defined formatting of Folder and File names in the Options dialog of Plotting and Printing. This uses a 'tag' scheme with user-defined key words to format the output filename. This applies to the folder name when the folder is set to 'this folder below design', and to file names for each plot.

Tags can include Design Name, Plot, Plot Job and Project Name, Device Type, etc. To help you construct the tag pattern, syntax and creation, there is a new Compose dialog.

Output Plots to a Zip file

Using Version 22, you can now choose to save all the output files directly into a Zip folder.

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New DRC Checks

Acid Trap Check

A new Rule and Check for Acid Traps in the Design. Acid Traps: This checks for acid traps between Track segments and between Tracks and Pads within the design that infringe the rules defined.

Stub Vias Check

Checks for track segments which end on a via that does not appear to be connected to a Pour Area or plane. This aids the verification of the overall signal integrity to ensure no 'gaps' appear in the electrical path.

Test Lands Check

A new rules and check for Test Lands are available for minimum separation, minimum land size, under components and unreachable side.

New Design Rules and Checks
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Additional V22 Features

Additional Features in Version 22
  • Typed names in the GOTO bar for quick item selection
  • Component Bin highlights Components on same Net as Highlighted Net in Design
  • Make items drawn hollow with the Toggle True width command
  • Auto Mirror Component flag when adding to design
  • Inserted Files and Reports into a design
  • New Visibility switches on the Layers bar for Shapes, Poured Shapes and Symbol Shapes
  • BOM Composer reports accessible from the Reports dialog
  • Fully Supported under Windows 10 [32 & 64 bit]
  • Benefit from our FREE technical support service
  • Support through a manned phone/Skype & email
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