Software Updates

Getting updates for your software

Download updates (patches) for your Easy-PC software using the links below. Select from the list, according to the version of Easy-PC you are currently running.

We generally 'overlap' the support for the latest two versions for quite a while after each new version is released, so you will be able to find updates in this table for the latest version and the one before. At the end of the overlap period we will only be able to provide software fixes in the latest version, but the update for the last version will still be available here to download.

Please ensure that you download the correct update for your version of software, and only apply updates that are listed for the same major version as you are currently running. You cannot use an update to go between different major versions of the application, and if you apply an update that is not intended for your current version of software it will almost certainly prevent your application from running.

Your Easy-PC Version Latest update Date What this will update More information Download File size
28 28.0.1 07-Nov-2024 Any version between 28.0 and 28.0.1 pdf download 274.4 Mb
27 27.0.2 28-Jun-2024 Any version between 27.0 and 27.0.2 pdf download 20.3 Mb

Installing your update

Updates as service patches will be supplied as a fully product installation. A full product set of dlls is supplied, this eliminates potential issues with incompatibility of different version dlls.

As with the main product, after downloading the program, simply run it. When the dialog is displayed, press the Update button.

As this is an update, the installer will install into the folder shown on the dialog.

Click this button pdf to view the PDF document showing the changes in this update.


Older Versions

If you are currently running an older version of software, please contact Sales and we will be happy to talk to you about updating your software to the latest edition.

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Buying Easy-PC

You can buy Easy-PC direct from us or through one of our worldwide network of distributors

Easy-PC Prices

View Easy-PC and product add-on prices on the Prices page