It seems that a lot of the big semiconductor manufacturers such as Analog Devices and Texas Instruments have stopped putting footprints in the datasheets.
They now require you to download a BXL file for use in Ultra librarian.
This is useless for us Easy-PC users as far as i can see. Would be interested to know if any other users have a way of usefully using BXL files with Easy-PC.
What do Number One plan on doing to help its users out.
It's quite a big download for what has the look of a bit of software from Windows 3.1!!
------------------------------------------------------- Birthdays are good for you: the more you have, the longer you live ... and I've had lots of them so I should know!
I believe if you download the Ultra librarian free edition for designspark, you are able to export intermediate library files. They can be read in to EasyPC.
1. Install Eagle. (which made me laugh). 2. Export the bxl from Ultra librarian to Eagle. 3. Import the Ultra export into Eagle. 4. Export from eagle. 5. Import the Eagle export.
Seems very convoluted to me and stupid that i have to install a competitors product to use the bxl files.
If i had time to mess about i would just export my entire lib to Eagle and be done with it.