How do I specify a non plated through hole for my component.? I was using a via for a component mounting hole, resulting in manufacturer asking me, if I need a plated through hole or non-plated through hole. This means that my drawing is not clear. How do I specify non plated through hole?
The plated state of a hole is part of the Pad Style. You should simply have to uncheck the Plated checkbox on the Pad Style you are using for those mounting holes. Then they can be output to separate drill files at the plotting stage if you want.
Not sure what the exact problem is here. Why would you not want a plated thru hole for a thru the hole component on a Doble sided pcb? Or is this a case of a single sided copper design with plated thru pads specified by default?
Why are you using vias for components anyway? You should be using properly defined EZ-PC components from a component library?
Go to your NCDrill setup page, and make sure that the option for separate files for plated and unplated holes is checked. If both plated and unplated definitions are being merged into the same file, it's no wonder that the manufacturer has a problem!