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 Copying a project to a new name
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Mike Warren

124 Posts

Posted - 17 Oct 2012 :  01:51:46  Show Profile  Visit Mike Warren's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I have an existing project that I want to make the starting point for a new project. Is there any way to do that?

I tried copying the project, 2 schematics and PCB files to a new folder. Then I tried to "Save As" the project, but if will not save. Clicking on the "Save" button in the save as dialog does nothing.

So I tried renaming all the files externally, but as expected, that caused problems because of the internal references to the files.

I'm using V16.0.4


United Kingdom
14 Posts

Posted - 17 Oct 2012 :  08:37:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
On the project screen click 'save as' it will then ask for a new save name and location, once that it is saved it will ask if you want to copy the project files over. It will then ask you for new names for these.

You should then have a copy of your project in your new location with new names.
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Mike Warren

124 Posts

Posted - 17 Oct 2012 :  13:10:20  Show Profile  Visit Mike Warren's Homepage  Reply with Quote
That's exactly what I did, but the save button on the save as dialog wouldn't work.

I just tried it again and it worked, so I guess there was just something weird going on earlier.

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United Kingdom
103 Posts

Posted - 17 Oct 2012 :  19:46:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The normal method that I use is:
(1) Create a folder for the project using windows explorer.
(2) Create a new project in Easy-PC and save it in the new folder.
(3) Copy the PCB and SCH files (only) to this folder from the previous project. Do NOT copy the PRJ file.
(4) Rename the new PCB and SCH files with the new required names (in my case a drawing number).
(5) Open the new project.
(6) Add the copied and renamed files (ignore any messages about previous project names).
(7) Close project to force a Save on all files.
(8) Reopen and all should be OK.

I have done this since before Easy-PC had projects, so never tried their method as I had heard there were problems with it.

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Mike Warren

124 Posts

Posted - 17 Oct 2012 :  23:15:46  Show Profile  Visit Mike Warren's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thanks. I expected that doing that would lose the link between the schematics and PCB. Good to know for the future if I experience the same problem again.
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United Kingdom
103 Posts

Posted - 18 Oct 2012 :  14:41:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The PRJ file only lists the files in the project.
The link between PCB and SCH is automatic if they are the same name and in the same folder.
In fact many of my older 'projects' do not have a PRJ file.
Note that most of these have a single sheet circuit.
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United Kingdom
458 Posts

Posted - 18 Oct 2012 :  14:51:26  Show Profile  Visit DavidM's Homepage  Reply with Quote
If you are working with a single schematic sheet and a PCB, then you can indeed work with just those two files and no project.

However, if your design has more than one schematic sheet, then you must use a Project otherwise functions like Translate to PCB and Forward Design Changes will only work off the current sheet, they don't know anything about looking for other sheets.

When a design is added to a project, the project holds the filename of the design, but the design also holds the name of the project. That way, when you open a design file from Windows Explorer, we know which project file to look for. But of course that also means you can't simply copy files to new names using Explorer, because the references "inside" the files will still have the old names.

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