Hi, after the anticlimax of EasyPC V16 release and the other comments about what DesignSpark's version has, does anyone know what the specific differences are between the two packages?
What are we getting that DesignSpark doesnt get? What is DesignSpark getting that we do not?
Edited by - tswelectronics on 03 Aug 2012 14:46:18
Designspark is a stripped down version of EasyPC and does not contain all of the features. I kinda also think that because its a freebee, the support from a professional point of view would be limited or perhps non-existant. This is what what we pay for in EasyPC ... if there is a problm or a bug, you get a real live human being on the end of the phone, and for £60.00 a year I think thats a good deal.
So if your like me and actually make a living from pcb design, you buy and use a package that gives you fast and efficient support. If perhaps you don't need this and a casual pcb layout user and a bit less functionality, then go for designspark. The one thing however I feel let down on is the fact that EasyPC (being the professional package) should surely allow you to import designspark files, and it doesn't !