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 Outline (board) made of shapes
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79 Posts

Posted - 01 Mar 2010 :  21:20:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I received a board outline in DXF, that contained dimension lines. For that reason I could not use it using DXF import.

What I did is recreate it using single shape lines and the goto coordinate function. The lines (or shapes) together result in a closed outline.

Then I moved them to the board outline using change Shape Type. Unfortunately that remains an unclosed shape outline.

When I export the Gerber I can choose Board outline, but have to click yes for all these segments.

Is there a better way to do this?

When I look at the Gerber the outline is perfectly closed. Will it give problems in production?



Iain Wilkie

United Kingdom
1019 Posts

Posted - 02 Mar 2010 :  08:14:36  Show Profile  Visit Iain Wilkie's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I get dxf's a lot with domensional info included with the outline. all I do is import them all onto an information layer then change the board outline to "board" shape. You can delete the dimensional info if you want. However as you say the outline is now made up of segments and is not closed. I don't think this causes a problem if it looks ok on the gerber output.
Would be nice though to be able to quickly change all the segments at one time, but there seems no way of doing this

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79 Posts

Posted - 02 Mar 2010 :  10:09:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Iain,

Problem with the DXF was I could not remove the dimensions (and their lines) because they were attached to the drawing itself. So If I removed part of a dimension line it also removed part of the dxf outline.

Is there an easy way to create a closed outline using goto coordinate? I could not get it done using Add Board and also not using Add closed shape. Perhaps I did something wrong, but it would be great to be able to create an outline by simply typing it's coordinates.

Thanks for your reply.

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79 Posts

Posted - 04 Mar 2010 :  22:50:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I got confirmation from PCB production house and indeed this is not a problem as long as the shape in the Gerber is closed.
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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 05 Mar 2010 :  13:03:57  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
As long as all the segments in the shape really are joined, so it's continuous, not just a series of single lines, then just open the shape properties and check the 'Closed' box before you convert it to a board outline.

Unfortunately, at the moment 'Merge shapes' isn't clever enough to link a series of separate lines, but it's on the wish list.
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