I'm using Easy-PC ver 13 and when I try to create an IPC file using the Testland report it's empty as none of the pads in my design are marked as testlands.
Is there another way of generating an IPC file which will include non testland marked pads, or is there a way to globally set all the pads Testland property as I don't fancy having to go through and set each one individually!
There isn't a way to get all the pads out in IPC-356 as it is written to be a testland output.
If you want to go down the route of setting all pads as testlands, you can do this easily using the Goto bar. Just set it to list Pads, then right-click in the list and do 'Select All Find Items'. This will select all the pads, you can then do Properties and tick the Testland box which will apply the change to them all.
Thanks for the info. The Goto bar method should be fine although I have found a slight complication in the current version.
If you select a surface mount pad and a through hole pad together and then ask for properties the software crashes with an unrecoverable application error, but I can work around it for the moment.