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 Delete unroute Connection without having the schem
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United Kingdom
2 Posts

Posted - 09 May 2022 :  09:20:50  Show Profile  Visit VictorB's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi, I need to undo a route but from PCB since I don't have a schematic, it's a BM2 migration. Can you help me? I have tried what the help book says but it has not helped much.


United Kingdom
785 Posts

Posted - 09 May 2022 :  09:30:56  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Not sure I understand what the issue is here?
Do you have the (EasyPC) PCB source files or just the pcb Gerber plots? The schematic is not necessary just to edit a pcb design if you know exactly what modification is required.
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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 09 May 2022 :  09:46:11  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
You say this is an imported BM file, so I'm assuming that it's an editable pcb design.

The obvious way to do this is to select the net, then use [Tools], [Unroute Nets], [Selected Net]. From your comment I assume that this isn't working, so go into [Settings], [Preferences].

Look at the 'PCB Interaction' tab. In the bottom right corner are a number of 'Unroute Nets' options. Make sure that they're all unchecked. Press <F1> for more information about the individual selections.

Secondly, on the bottom left, consider using the 'Delete Track Does Unroute' option. This converts any selected track segments back to a rubber band connection when you press <Delete>, which can be more useful than simply removing the track. If you really want the track to go, you can press <Delete> again to get rid of the connection.

If none of these are the issue, please aski again.
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