Unfortunately I am still having to use V21 under W7
Is it possible to force Plotting And Printing to open with my own EPJ instead of the default one?
I figured out how to modify and save EPJ plot files and save them to the Easy-PC program folder. I would have preferred to use a 'My Documents' folder but it looks as if it is the options are the program folder or per project folder.
Within the Plotting & Printing window, click on "Open Plot", and select the plot file .... if its in another directory, just click "Job Dir" and navigate to the appropriate directory and select.
Unfortunately, the program hasn't any provision to automatically open a job file. As you've discovered, the initial plot settings are based on the currently active design when the dialogue is opened. These settings are retained until the next Easy-PC session unless adjusted by the user (by, for instance, opening a job file). They reset when the program is closed.
You CAN set the job file directory. Click on the [Options] button near the top right of the plotting dialogue. The path setting for job files is in the top half of the options window. The program also automatically checks the directory of the current design as well.