I have found that the board outline has not been added to the gerber layers selecting [Board Outline] Y in the layers tab of each layer is not working. I have had to select "Unplated Board Outlines" in the settings of each layer which is the next tab. Tech support has been notified.
Hi Andy, the board outline has to be selected in both Layers [Board Outline] AND Settings (Plated/Unplated Board Outlines) Tabs. for it to appear in the Gerbers.
Hi edrees, I think "Unplated Board Outlines" in the settings overrides the layer tab selection and can also be set as default. So always on.
It's not responding to the Layers tab if "Unplated Board Outlines" in the settings is not set. You dont need both on normally. either either. At least thats how its been for me since V19.
All this has started since upgrading from V19 to v21.