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 Using Component on Multiple Pages

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Mike Warren Posted - 16 May 2023 : 11:05:09
I can't believe this is the first time I've come across this problem after using EPC since 2002.

I have an IC with 4 gates and need to use 2 on 1 page and the other 2 on another page, but when I try to cut and paste the 2 spare gates to the second page the whole IC gets removed from the first page.

What am I missing?
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Iain Wilkie Posted - 18 May 2023 : 10:26:33
Sorry guys ..... Ed is correct .... I was not in a position to test my solution at the time of posting so was simply relying on my memory hence the reason its only half correct !!

edrees Posted - 17 May 2023 : 10:41:14
@Mike, once you have a duplicate copy of the gate on the second sheet (and re-named it along with respecifying the gate package), you can then use Iain's Component Bin method as the remaining Component gates appears in the Bin when either sch sheet is enabled.
Mike Warren Posted - 16 May 2023 : 22:02:27
Thank you both for your replies.

Iain, that's how I expected it to work, but the other gates only show up in the component bin on the original sheet.

Ed, your idea worked, although it took me a couple of tries to get the order of operation correct.
edrees Posted - 16 May 2023 : 12:07:31
Unfortunately, Iain's solution doesn't always work when working with Schematics.

I copy and paste one of the gates into the other schematic, (this increments the Component designator) then use Properties to rename it along with specifying which gate in the package you wish to use. You should get a nag box warning you that this is a "permanent" change, but you can still perform gate swaps (and delete the Component) afterwards!
Iain Wilkie Posted - 16 May 2023 : 11:11:02
Leave the spare gates in the component bin and pull them in from there with your second sheet open.
