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 Eagle transfer to v19.0 has problems

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
neilh Posted - 12 Nov 2015 : 18:56:50
Hi, I'm trying to transfer the Mediakit LinkitOne_V1.0 Eagle schematic files to EasyPc V19 and its not working.,
There are a number of pages on Eagle PC, and when it is read in from the eis - they don't all fit in the EP project. Then when saving as EP.sch and reading back in the result is un-readable with random vertical striations.
The hardware schematic/.brd are here - and require a login.
The initial reference was here - under Resources.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
neilh Posted - 13 Nov 2015 : 20:43:33
Interesting - the actual board is arduino size.
Peter Johnson Posted - 13 Nov 2015 : 11:01:47
I've seen the data for import, and the fundamental problem is simply that the original is nearly 2 metres high, which simply can't fit into a 1 metre square working area.

To import this, it's going to be necessary to massage the original to bring the height down to under 1 metre. As the original comprises 13 sheets, most of which are in a single column 10 high, it should be relatively easy to split these into two adjacent blocks of five, bringing the height down to within the limit.