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 Plot report "design path"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
markpsu Posted - 10 Aug 2020 : 16:23:04
When I export gerber files there is a plot report file generated which I have always included in my package to the board house. At the top of the plot report there is a line titled "design path" that gets printed into the report. I can see where this is helpful but when I'm sending designs to Chinese board houses I'm a little paranoid this it too much info.

For example the path could be "IBM new data center design" there a way to turn off the design path line? Or maybe, there is no real usefulness for the board house and I shouldn't send the report at all?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
markpsu Posted - 11 Aug 2020 : 13:16:57
OK, thanks for the feedback I won't include this anymore. I thought in a pinch it would allow them to do a sanity check for hole size etc.. One concern I have is the Chinese board houses rarely ask any questions which makes me nervous. The US board houses I use ask a lot of questions and make sure they have a good understanding before the build (but also cost $$$$ a lot more).
Iain Wilkie Posted - 10 Aug 2020 : 19:11:41
I too only send the gerbers ..... done that to Chinese manufacturers without issue.

ianafh Posted - 10 Aug 2020 : 16:35:24
I don't usually send the report, the gerber files should contain all of the required data.
edrees Posted - 10 Aug 2020 : 16:28:47
I always manually edit the Plot Report File with Notepad to globally remove all sensitive information. I don't think there is a tick-box setting or a Plot Report Template file to do this.