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 Crash-using gates across schematics
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Posted - 27 Jul 2012 :  14:17:14  Show Profile  Visit Nav's Homepage  Reply with Quote

I have a BGA component thats 268 pins, and I have divided this component into several gates of approx 30-40 pins each. I have dedicated one sheet per gate in the project. I have followed the instructions on the Help File to rename the component across multiple schematic sheets in a project.

When I do this, sometimes it doesnt work, it says "Cannot rename component, name already in use" and at other times (which is 99% of the time) it crashes.

I have made certain observations:

- It comes up with an error message "Cannot rename component...etc.." when I double click on the component origin and go to the Component Tab to change the name. Usually doesnt lead to a crash.
- When I right click the component and go to Properties and I try to change the name there, it sometimes works or crashes.
- When I use Tools>Rename Components and rename the component that way, it sometimes works or crashes.

Is there any relation between number of pins in the entire component and the frequency of crashing? Is there any memory leak somewhere which can be sorted out by some setting?

Please let me know if there is any solution for this issue.

Thank you
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