I just received a very nice joke from number one. I cant stop myself from sharing it:
"Dear Easy-PC User,
The promotion for this year has finished but don’t despair, we’ve decided to extend it for another 2 weeks due to the extremely high demand and summer holidays!
This really will be the last chance to take advantage of our most generous offer to date.
Offer ends Friday 17th Sept 2010."
Hope you guys can keep up with the demand on this killer update ;)
It's not as strange as it might seem. We've had several users asking for an extension because of their family and holiday commitments in August. Plus, it's much more common on the continent for some companies to shut down for extended periods in August as well.
This is really just acknowledging the difficulties some users face in taking advantage of the special price.
A lot of professional users (perhaps like me) will update regardless of any new (or not) features simply to be up to date with current version.
Also by doing so I hope that we are maintaining the continuing life of the product that quite honestly stands head and shoulders above others that are more expensive and have less technical support.
True there was not a lot to write home about in V14 but in many ways the application features are nearing saturation and now I can only see refinement being the way forward (library fix please).
We need to support the product through the bad times as well as the good !
Whole heartedly agree with Iain on this one. I "upgraded" to maintain my technical support and help keep No1 going, -certainly not for the attraction of polar grids, hierachical schematics and rotation to 1/100th degree etc.
Sometimes, it may just be better to accept paying a nominal annual subscription (Sorry, no "major" upgrades this year folks!) as we should not expect breathtaking new technical features year on end.
It is after all a pretty good product already and very good value for money.
The dual monitor facility added in V13 I believe is great. I think the product is gradually improving along with the new features. Have you spotted that "grids" now appears on the bottom of the grid snap setting (shortcut H)? Would be even better if the 1/40th grid setting worked on V14.0.1