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 Adding "Value Position" to Symbols
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16 Posts

Posted - 14 Jul 2010 :  22:12:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can't seem to figure out how to add the correct "Value Position" to my new schematic symbols so that I can properly position the component "values" on my shematic.

I can best explain the problem with this example -
I open up the Library Manager and select Edit for the "C" symbol from the Discrete.ssl library. I highlight the existing "V" (Values) position item and select properties. I am presented with a Text tab dialog box listing "Reference Name, Component Name, Package Name, Symbol Name, and Values (enabled)".
But if I delete the "V" and then ADD - VALUE POSITION (this is how I have been trying to add the "V" to my symbols), the new "Value Position" properties are "Design Name (enabled), Author, Save Date,...", but no "Values".

What am I doing wrong (I am a new user - please forgive)?
Thank you

Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 15 Jul 2010 :  17:31:50  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
This is a confusing area. You have two options, 'Reference Origin', and 'Value Position'.

The reference origin can be configured to display any or all of a number of component attributes, one of which is 'Values'. The snag is that this is a rather coarse control. The only way to decide which values appear is in the component properties, and that then applies to all reference origin positions. The 'V' you deleted was a reference origin configured to display just values.

The value position will only display one item at a time, but it can display any available value, which allows you to choose a specific value name for display. There's the catch. In the symbol editor it only displays the built in value options, as user defined values are only added at component level. That means that you can add a value position, and it will work, but you can only choose the user defined value you want to display in the actual design, not earlier.

The programmers are aware of this difficulty, and I've been advised that in V14 it will be possible to define value names as part of a technology file. This IS available at symbol level, so these user defined value names will be available to the value position in the symbol. That means that when you define an actual value at component level, it will appear correctly in the design with no further work.
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16 Posts

Posted - 15 Jul 2010 :  19:41:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

With the information you provided (and a lot of "playing around") I now know how I can accomplish what it is I want to do.

On schematics, I prefer to have flexibility in placing the component's "values" (resistance, tol, wattage,...) independent of the reference designator, mainly for aesthetic reasons.

So on any schematic symbols that I create, I will place a "Reference Origin" and change its properties to only enable "Reference Name" (by default all properties are enabled). I will then add a second "Reference Origin" and change its properties to only enable "Values" (which also changes the origin visually from a "+R" to a "+V").

I am still not sure I understand the reason / importance of having a "Value Position" capability, but I am happy that my issue has been resolved. Thank you!
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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 31 Aug 2010 :  11:03:29  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Sorry for the slow reply. V14 is now around, and allows you to add value names to technology files. That's important as the reference origin can display all values or none, but can't be fine tuned. You can't have two reference origins displaying different values for the same component.

A value position displays only one selected value and no other, so now when you create a symbol you can assign a specific value name from the technology file to a value position.

When you use the symbol to build a component, the value name is automatically added, so all you have to do is define the actual value. That means that there's a way to display specific values in different positions.
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