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 Move a portion a track to a different layer.
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28 Posts

Posted - 28 May 2010 :  10:50:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When i have a reasonable routed track, but I need to make a "jumper" in the middle of the track, since some thing i supposed to cross this track.

Then I expected it should be as easy as dropping 2 vias on the track, clicking on the track portion in between and chose a different layer.
But NO EasyPC 13 does not understand what is going on.

have I misunderstod something (again) ?

Hopefully I have not missed a tick in some properties ...


United Kingdom
458 Posts

Posted - 28 May 2010 :  15:09:10  Show Profile  Visit DavidM's Homepage  Reply with Quote
It should be even simpler than that, simply select the track segment(s) you want to move to another layer, press the L key (the shortcut for Change Layer) and choose the 'To' layer. Vias will be inserted automatically at each end of the layer-changed section.
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28 Posts

Posted - 28 May 2010 :  18:21:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by DavidM

It should be even simpler than that, simply select the track segment(s) you want to move to another layer, press the L key (the shortcut for Change Layer) and choose the 'To' layer. Vias will be inserted automatically at each end of the layer-changed section.

Yes, I read about that approach in the help file, but it leaves me with a new problem -as I see it.
The 2 vias places them selves at each bended end of the track segment, and thus cancelling out those bends.
If I here after wants to adjust the track I fall into the tidious task of aligning the track again with all the skew angles and misplaced segment it brings. It tend to end up with completely rerouting the track.
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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 01 Jun 2010 :  09:13:00  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
If you find you get into a mess, you can remove the vias by moving the track back to the original layer. If you just change the layer of only one segment with a via at the end, the via will move to the other end.

If you still have a problem, highlight the problem segments, right click, then use [Net], [Unroute Track Segments]. That will leave the rest of the track which doesn't have a problem in place, and reduce your work.
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