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United Kingdom
13 Posts

Posted - 02 Apr 2009 :  10:58:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all,

Forgive me if I've missed something, I haven't had a good rootle round in V12 options yet, but I have a minor irritation with Easy PC when it comes to doing PCB layout and I notice it's been mentioned a couple of times in previous posts.

Is it possible to have an option that, when you finish a track, Easy PC automatically runs the optimize nets command. If it was kept as an option it wouldn't frustrate those who don't feel they need it, or whose machines would be unduly slowed down by it, and as it is merely stringing together already existing functions, I don't feel it's a large ask in terms of adding new functionality whilst adding significantly to usability. I have to use Altium at work and that always keeps it's ratsnest updated so I find it frustrating, when working at home, that Easy PC doesn't !

Many thanks

Mark Shuttleworth

Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 02 Apr 2009 :  11:20:11  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Go to [Settings], [Preferences], and select the 'PCB Interaction' tab.
About half way down, the top check box in the 'Move' area is 'Dynamic Optimise'. This tidies up nets when a component is moved, but the same algorithm also sits in the background and tidies up nets when a track is completed.

Unfortunately the algorithm isn't highly advanced (so it uses less processor overhead) so it tends to miss the connection if the track has been routed via a third point. If that happens, then it's back to the optimise all nets option.

This is catch 22, in that it's entirely possible to do a full background tidy, but because of the increased processor overhead, the program would become noticeably slower, particularly on large designs on older machines.
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United Kingdom
13 Posts

Posted - 02 Apr 2009 :  12:00:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ah, yes. I've given that a go but as you say it does tend to miss things every now and again. Whilst it certainly saves some shortcut key pressing (I have optimise nets setup on Alt-O) it would still be more desirable (to me anyway) to run the full optimise nets, like I say with it being optional for when when machines go into meltdown. Perhaps it would be better as an option on the 'dynamic optimise' to use full optimise nets or the lesser version currently in use ?
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United Kingdom
458 Posts

Posted - 14 Apr 2009 :  18:10:10  Show Profile  Visit DavidM's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Take your point that we should really give you the choice about taking the hit on speed. Duly logged on our suggestions database for consideration for a future release.
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United Kingdom
13 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2009 :  14:26:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Having just sat next to a colleague at work whilst he played with his newly updated copy of Eagle, it would be nice if Easy PC updated the current net whilst you were actually laying the track.
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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2009 :  11:47:26  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Depending on how you're routing the track, it can. Go to [Settings], [Preferences], and look at the 'PCB Tracks' tab

If 'Allow Pick Connections' is checked, you can double click on a rubber band and it will convert to track.

Also if 'Edit Connection as Track' is checked, it will convert the whole rubber band to track. If it's left unchecked, then you can double click to end the edit, and the unrouted bit is left as a connection.

If it starts from the wrong end, just press <I> (invert) to change ends.

Edited by - Peter Johnson on 08 May 2009 11:48:19
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