I have made a 0402 link as a component for my schematics and pcb layout. The problem seems to be if I update from the schematic to the PCB then the PCB section rips up the tracks I have put down and the yellow wires indicate that a track is not routed even if it is physically there but on the other side of the link…? It’s almost like I have to make each pad of the 0402 link the same NET, which seems weird?
Conversely, if the link is required in a specific location in the circuit, then make sure that the nets either side of it have different names/numbers. That way the topology of the circuit will force the link to be in the place you expect.
If forwarding changes is unrouting entire sections of track, if you can identify which end is going to be changed, then just unrouting the last segment will prevent the rest from being ripped up. It's just the last segment that gets reconfigured.
Try running an integrity check first. The report should give you a good idea of which traces will be disconnected (which is when they're ripped up), then when you've prepared for it, you can go ahead and forward changes.