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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 27 Nov 2024 :  10:44:11  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
The original V28.0.1 download had an issue in that the installation method used removed file associations. This has been resolved, but simply re-running the current version won't restore the icons. you'd have to go through the painful process of uninstalling and reinstalling to correct this.

If you choose to do this, firstly go to [Help], [Support], [Configuration Files] and follow the instructions to save a configuration file. Press <F1> if you need more help with this. A configuration file effectively creates a restore point for all the program settings so it ensures that your personalisation will be preserved as you can reload it after reinstallation.

If you prefer not to take this route, run a Windows search for 'Default Apps'. This window allows you to choose the default program by file extension, so it's possible to restore the broken links. You should link the following extension - .sch, .pcb, .prj and .pnl. If you save library items to a file, you'll also need .ssy, .psy and .cmp.

There's still an issue. Windows doesn't let you choose which icon from the program is assigned - it just uses the first one it finds. Unfortunately, Windows 11 has no tool for choosing an icon for file types, unlike some earlier releases, so you need to use a third party icon manager to restore the icon variants. The one most commonly recommended for this is 'FileTypesMan' a freeware program from NirSoft. You'll need the 64 bit version so, for convenience, I've included their download link URL for this:

The scope of this post isn't broad enough to offer full instructions but it's reasonably self-explanatory and you can visit the NirSoft website should you need more detailed help.

Iain Wilkie

United Kingdom
1019 Posts

Posted - 28 Nov 2024 :  10:41:22  Show Profile  Visit Iain Wilkie's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I tried this approach
If you prefer not to take this route, run a Windows search for 'Default Apps'. This window allows you to choose the default program by file extension, so it's possible to restore the broken links. You should link the following extension - .sch, .pcb, .prj and .pnl. If you save library items to a file, you'll also need .ssy, .psy and .cmp.

However there is no reference to Numberone or EasyPC in the App list to match the extensions to ! (WIN11 66 Bit)

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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 28 Nov 2024 :  11:21:28  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I can only comment on Windows 11 as I no longer have a copy of Windows 10. It's probbly going to be similar but I can't guarantee it.

Search for 'Default Apps' which should find the right place on both versions. Type the extension in the 'Set a default for file type or link type' box, then in the 'Choose a default' pane immediately below, click on the right hand square icon with a diagonal arrow through a corner. This opens a window 'Select a default app for <extension> files'. You'll need to scroll down to the bottom of this list where you'll see an entry 'Choose an app on your PC' which lets you browse to Easy-PC.

Here's a tip. Open the properties of a shortcut to Easy-PC, then highlight and copy the 'Target' entry. When you're in the browser, paste it into the path at the top and you'll go straight to the right place.
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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 28 Nov 2024 :  12:09:29  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I've got some more information about this which means you'll not need FileTypeMan after all. If you're pasting a path as suggested above, before clicking on [OK] add a comma, then one of the numbers in the list below to selct the right icon for the file type:
1, .pcb
2, .sch
3, .psl
4, .ssl
5, .cml and .elt
6, .prj
11, .pkg
14, .psy
15, .ssy
16, .cmp
19, .pnl

These are the major icon numbers, but there are actually 41 different icons available, so feel free to experiment, but remember, in the best computing tradition, they're numbered 0-40, NOT 1-41!
If you want to see them all, FileTypeMan is still your best bet.
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Iain Wilkie

United Kingdom
1019 Posts

Posted - 02 Dec 2024 :  13:31:32  Show Profile  Visit Iain Wilkie's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Its probably old age now, but I cannot get this to work.

I've got some more information about this which means you'll not need FileTypeMan after all. If you're pasting a path as suggested above, before clicking on [OK] add a comma, then one of the numbers in the list below to selct the right icon for the file type:
1, .pcb
2, .sch
3, .psl
4, .ssl
5, .cml and .elt
6, .prj
11, .pkg
14, .psy
15, .ssy
16, .cmp
19, .pnl
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United Kingdom
103 Posts

Posted - 02 Dec 2024 :  20:12:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I used an easy way to fix this before seeing the forum.
Use an existing project:
Click on prj file. Windows (11) says it does not know what it it.
Offers list of existing progs. EasyPC not listed so found it in Number One Sys folder then version 28. Clicked on that. Confirmed OK for ever. Repeated with sch and pcb for same project. Tested OK.
Works with library files (not tried all).
Will open other projects OK.
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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 03 Dec 2024 :  10:45:50  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by davep

I used an easy way to fix this before seeing the forum.
Use an existing project:
Click on prj file. Windows (11) says it does not know what it it.
Offers list of existing progs. EasyPC not listed so found it in Number One Sys folder then version 28. Clicked on that. Confirmed OK for ever. Repeated with sch and pcb for same project. Tested OK.
Works with library files (not tried all).
Will open other projects OK.

Yes, that works, but it means that you always get icon '0', which is why I posted the more complex instructions which give control over that.
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United Kingdom
67 Posts

Posted - 03 Dec 2024 :  17:33:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here's a weirdy; everything set to associate with EPC28. But when I start by clicking on a .prj, it opens, and opens the associated .sch. But then complains that it can't find the .prj, which is already open....
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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 06 Dec 2024 :  14:27:02  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Here's a weirdy; everything set to associate with EPC28. But when I start by clicking on a .prj, it opens, and opens the associated .sch. But then complains that it can't find the .prj, which is already open...
Sounds like there's a broken link in the project. Try removing all the files from the project then adding them back in.
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