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 Measurements - What did I do?
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United Kingdom
32 Posts

Posted - 01 Sep 2023 :  17:43:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi guys,

I've done something but I can't find out what exactly...

I used to be able to have a schematic on screen and go directly to the libraries to design a new symbol for Schematics and PCB symbols. I can still do this but I find when I pull up the measurement tool, it works but I don't have precision any more. I can only measure +/- 1mm. I used to be able to measure fractions of a mm. What did I do? I've hunted everywhere on the menus and can't find out how to put this right!

I'm right in the middle of a design and a can't design some pcb symbols as I can't measure them accurately.

Please help! Aaargh!


20 Posts

Posted - 01 Sep 2023 :  18:08:51  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Once symbol editor is open, go to Settings/Units, and Settings/Grids
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United Kingdom
32 Posts

Posted - 02 Sep 2023 :  09:51:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I already tried to sort this out through Units / Grids as this seems to be the obvious place to adjust it.

My present setup is
Units: mm
Precision: 3.

Grids set to: Fortieth Grid.

However, when measuring I still can only measure to the nearest mm.

When the "Measure" box pops up distance comes up as whole numbers only but I have just noticed that when I invoke the measurement tool a From: to: information strip pops up in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

If I look at that info instead of the "measure box" it shows the correct information as fractions of a mm as expected. Could this be a bug? It never used to do it. I could always read off the correct value directly in the measurement box under "Dist:".

If I can't solve this, I might have to re-install the program. Aaargh.
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United Kingdom
785 Posts

Posted - 02 Sep 2023 :  12:38:04  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi, I seem to be getting the same issue too. Wonder if its anything to do with the new V27 "dual units" feature?

The measurement tool works with full resolution in both standard Sch & PCB editors.
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20 Posts

Posted - 02 Sep 2023 :  20:25:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK guys, I just suggested the obvious. I'm still on V19 and have never seen this problem, maybe its related to something in V27...
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20 Posts

Posted - 02 Sep 2023 :  20:36:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
V27 may be different than V19 but take a look at Settings/Defaults/Dimensions/Length Units, then change Define Units. Maybe you can fix the problem there?

Edited by - gnome1965 on 02 Sep 2023 20:40:34
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United Kingdom
785 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2023 :  11:42:21  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote

.....but take a look at Settings/Defaults/Dimensions/Length Units, then change Define Units.

Thanks for your suggestions, but this Default "Dimensions" setting only appears in the (V27.0) PCB editor, - not the Schematic Editor where we are experiencing this problem. My (PCB Editor) Dimensions settings are correct for 3 decimal (mm) places but can only measure to +/- 1mm in the Component Editor when opened inside the Schematic Editor.
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United Kingdom
32 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2023 :  12:34:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So, it's not me then... ? I still think I must have done something but I can't for the life of me work out what it is.

I'm on version 23. It's not a "fault" as such with the program as it has ALWAYS worked properly on this version.

I just installed it (V23) on a desktop just to see if it will work ok. I pulled up the measurement tool - yep, it works properly with the precision as expected. Therefore, it doesn't seem to be version specific.

Can Number One comment here?

I think if I re-install the program onto my development laptop, it will probably work ok - but I really don't want to do that as a re-install generally messes with the libraries. I'd rather leave them as they are. Could there be a registry setting somewhere that physically "sets" the precision?

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20 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2023 :  13:31:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can reproduce your exact problem in V19:
In the symbol Measure window, lower left, is a Units button where you can set units and digits. This overrides the system settings, and only pertains to the data shown in the measure window
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United Kingdom
785 Posts

Posted - 03 Sep 2023 :  13:39:01  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote

Yeap, that works for me.
Thanks for your assistance!
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