The circuit I am working on suddenly added the colour fill on some components (previously I had not known about it). After some searching I found that I could change the fill and outline colours. However some components did not fill with any colour. I cannot see any option that turns this on or off. Some of the components have been updated recently, both changed and not changed are affected randomly. The design was started some while ago (2019) and has only just been picked up again. Any suggestions. I was running V24.0.1 and updated to V24.0.4 (Win 7 64 bit) to try and fix this.
Thanks Iain. That works. Very difficult to get symbols such as exclusive-or to do that. Most of the symbols I use are derived from Easy-PC library items. Many of these appear to be closed but are in fact open. Temp fix is to place rectangle around item with very thin border.