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 Can't edit my drill table
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21 Posts

Posted - 22 Feb 2021 :  19:30:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi everyone, having trouble editing my drill table. When I try to open the drill table file (Drillident.did) nothing shows up. It looks like windows has the table defined as a notepad file and I get this:

Does anyone know which executable file I can use to edit this in Easypc in stead of notepad, or how I get Easypc to read this file as a table? P.S. I using the latest version.


United Kingdom
785 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2021 :  09:42:43  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Why do you want to edit this file? Its part of the Plotting & Printing configuration files and not ment to be edited with "Notepad".

If the drill sizes are wrong or need to be tweaked, use Settings=>Design Tech=>Pad Styles and edit the pad details there. You can then select the drill table and (right click) Update Drill table to reflect the changes you made earlier ( or delete it, then add it back again).

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21 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2021 :  13:27:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for responding Edrees. The settings are fine as they are, with respect to hole and pad sizes, the problem is that every item on the drill table has the same shape and doesn't distinguish one hole from another. when I try to change a hole from a triangle to a square the table doesn't show up nor do the drill IDs. I have no way to manipulate this table. According to the manual under "drill Table Entries" I should see this table and be able to make the changes, but nothing shows up when I follow the instructions. Unfortunately there is no way in this forum for me to post an image of what I'm referring to. "Settings=>Design Tech=>Pad Styles" doesn't give me the option to change the ID or the Shape of the symbol for the hole.
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United Kingdom
785 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2021 :  13:57:51  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote
OK I see your issue now.

Goto Plotting & Printing, Options, then bottom left hand corner you'll see Setup Sizes & Symbols where you can edit the shapes of your Drill Idents.
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21 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2021 :  14:25:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That did it!!!!
Thanks Edrees.
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