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 BOM Composer Busted!
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Posted - 13 Aug 2020 :  16:32:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Went in to create a new template, saved it so I could try it. Didn't work, so I went back to BOM Composer to try it again and now there are NO templates around.

Go to the "Default Templates" directory - nothing there. Everything was blitz.

Using V22 of EasyPC.

In general, I've found BOMs to be the Achilles heel of EasyPC. They are, put simply, terrible. I cannot get them ever to work right. I want a BOM where every component has its own line (yes, that means sometimes I'll have 15 lines with the exact same part listed), and it also dumps out the custom values I put in (I use DPN - the Digikey Part Number).

Never been able to make that work, ever - and now my BOM Composer is completely borked. Do I need to re-install?


United Kingdom
785 Posts

Posted - 13 Aug 2020 :  16:52:28  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I think there was a major improvement to the OUTPUT =>BOM Composer in V23.

Previously, I used my own custom template in OUTPUT=>Reports but it tool me a long time to optimize the template file to get the format the way I wanted, but I did get there in the end.

Nowadays, I just use the improved BOM Composer, import it into Excel (or rather Calc in Open Office) to tweak it to exactly as I require.
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Iain Wilkie

United Kingdom
1019 Posts

Posted - 14 Aug 2020 :  09:00:43  Show Profile  Visit Iain Wilkie's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Same as you Ed .... the old reports method was really awkward to set up, so I like yourself always use the BOM Composer which I have to say is a breeze to use.

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