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 Library parts vs Design Tech?
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United Kingdom
51 Posts

Posted - 28 May 2019 :  15:12:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If a library part was designed under one design tech file, but then used in a schematic/PCB which is being done under a different one, could that/ would that cause any problems?


United Kingdom
785 Posts

Posted - 28 May 2019 :  15:26:45  Show Profile  Visit edrees's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I've never had a problem with this.
It appears that the "working" Design Technology will adapt the "intended" Design Tech when you introduce Components with a different Design Tech. Usually things like pads etc. get an automatically hyphenated name like Style1_2_3 to avoid conflicts.
All appropriate Layers will have to be enabled.
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Iain Wilkie

United Kingdom
1019 Posts

Posted - 28 May 2019 :  19:32:12  Show Profile  Visit Iain Wilkie's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Agreed 100% with Ed.

In fact if there were an issue with this it would have created havoc especially with me as I have umpteen libraries from all different sources.
Would have created lots of complaints long before now !
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United Kingdom
51 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2019 :  09:56:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes I've not had any real problems with it, I just wondered if library parts got the tech file info stored with them, but I guess all the tech file does is specify clearances etc. so any clashes would/should show up as such when checking layouts.
Cheers guys :-)
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United Kingdom
108 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2020 :  17:23:43  Show Profile  Visit jlawton's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Well I've a problem!

When I added a library pcb component (it has only a Solder Resist layer), it appears onto my pcb design in the Mechanical layer. Whatever I do with the Design Technology for the pcb layout or in the Library layer setup seems not to fix the problem of it being in the wrong layer.

I hadn't fully appreciated that the Library layer configurations may be different to the pcb layout ones.

This might be why pcb library parts can suddenly disappear as their layer type has probably changed since their creation and is currently not in the layers in use.

But how to fix what seems a bit of a technology file mess which has probably developed over some period of time?

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Iain Wilkie

United Kingdom
1019 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2020 :  19:16:05  Show Profile  Visit Iain Wilkie's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Can you simply not select the object in the mechanical layer and change its layer to the correct one ?

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United Kingdom
108 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2020 :  19:40:15  Show Profile  Visit jlawton's Homepage  Reply with Quote
It's a component, but I am unable to change the layer.

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United Kingdom
458 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2020 :  08:48:25  Show Profile  Visit DavidM's Homepage  Reply with Quote
You can't put a "whole" component onto a specific layer in the PCB design, components either live on [Top] or [Bottom] sides depending on whether or not they are flipped.

When a component is added to a design, there is some matching that goes on between the layers used in the pcb symbol and those in the pcb design. Generally in a pcb symbol you would only use a small number of layers such as [Top] or [All] for pads, and maybe "Top Silkscreen" or your equivalent for the silk screen shapes or text, but you can certainly add stuff on other layers.

On adding to the PCB, each layer which contains elements is checked to map it to an appropriate layer in the PCB design by various comparisons of layer type and layer.

Therefore if you are getting something that is defined in the PCB symbol on solder resist that maps to your mechanical layer then I'd look to the layer types to see if there is a mismatch there. It could be the case that if the layer type doesn't actually match that your solder resist item ends up on the first non-electrical layer just to ensure that it doesn't disappear altogether.

If you can't figure it (and assuming you're using up-to-date software) then you could drop the relevant files to our support mailbox and we'll take a look for you.

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