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Posted - 23 Apr 2007 :  11:43:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Can somebody tell me if it is possible to fix a bitmap picture as a layer,

and try to trace it??

I am using a demo of easypc.

Thanks for the help.



Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 24 Apr 2007 :  04:39:14  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
A bitmap can be placed on any layer, so there's no reason why you shouldn't do this. Tracing can be tricky, so you might prefer to try using a shareware or freeware convertor instead. I've done a quick web search and come up with the following sample links, though there are probably plenty more. I've not tried these, it's just to save you time.

There are two main ways of getting vector images into Easy-PC.

The most obvious one is DXF import, but be sure that the image doesn't contain splines. They won't import, as Easy-PC doesn't have any suitable structures to put them into.

The less obvious one is to use a True Type font generation program. Again, there are plenty of shareware and freeware ones out there. You create your vectorised bitmap as a custom character, then insert a text string containing the character. By customising the text style used you can scale it on the fly as well, and it will also be available for use in other applications (such as Word).
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4 Posts

Posted - 30 Apr 2007 :  18:47:57  Show Profile  Visit gootee's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I was looking into doing the same thing, once, and also found a program called WinTopo (IIRC), that seemed to work pretty well, for vectorizing bitmaps of PCB layouts. They also have a support forum at . Good luck.

- Tom Gootee
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United Kingdom
1 Posts

Posted - 24 Feb 2012 :  17:21:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I wonder if I have graphics problems as I can import BITMAPs but cannot place it beneath all the other layers. It obliterates everything and refuses to be a "background", is this normal ?

I would like my copper and silk layers to be drawn over my temporary bitmap, is this possible ?

I have tried changing the layer of the bitmap to the back silk, but it still stubbornly remains opaque and wipes out viewing of any tracks, pads and whatever else.

Wonding if this is normal,

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41 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2012 :  09:57:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi jzaghal

This importing of bitmaps thing is an ongoing issue, discussed many times, for example see here:

I'm still hopeful that the powers that be might sort the software out so that black and white bitmaps can be imported as they are without having to trace over them or mess about converting them into something else, after all the import function is there so why not make it an asset?
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41 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2012 :  15:43:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi jzaghal

This importing of bitmaps thing is an ongoing issue, discussed many times, for example see here:

I'm still hopeful that the powers that be might sort the software out so that black and white bitmaps can be imported as they are without having to trace over them or mess about converting them into something else, after all the import function is there so why not make it an asset?
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