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9 Posts |
Posted - 08 Nov 2018 : 10:53:23
Hi, I've visited this topic before, about eight years ago. Many new versions of Easy-PC, but still the same problem.
I have a PCB with six layers. The four inner layers are used for copper pour areas (split power planes), with assigned nets. The inner layers are defined as Electrical, No Tracks, and no net name.
My continuing problem is that the Trace Router completely ignores these areas, despite different approaches. In some other topics in this forum, a method is described: Fill the copper areas, clear them, and then run the router. This doesn't work for me, and it never has.
I've tried optimising all nets, pouring, clearing, and then routing. Doesn't work. I've also tried pouring, optimising all nets, clearing, and then pouring. This makes the "rubber bands" run to the corners of the copper areas, but it makes no difference. Even leaded components, which should have direct access to the inner layers, are fitted with tracks.
Is there some detail I've missed? Something so simple, that I've completely overlooked it?
Br, ErikT
P.S. To mitigate the "Do not use auto routing" comments: I have used auto routing for 19 years now, and see it as a nice supplement to the human brain. I've always routed sensitive and high-speed signals manually (which in this particular design is maximum 5 % of the nets), and used auto routing for the rest. Never ever seen a problem with this. |

9 Posts |
Posted - 08 Nov 2018 : 11:22:04
I have now sent the question directly to Numberone support. If I get the problem sorted out, I'll post the solution here. |
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