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 Feature Request- alternative pin names
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United Kingdom
67 Posts

Posted - 21 Oct 2018 :  14:41:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When using a component like a microcontroller, CPLD or FPGA, I often find I want a pin name on the schematic to be different from that defined in the component. For example, a pin could be PA12, USBDP, CANTX, or one of several others depending on configuration. It is tedious to create a new component for each configuration. While it's possible to hide the default name and add a new, functional, name as a text item, this is annoying in that it has to be grouped to move with the component, and that it has to be done anew each time the component is instanced, which creates the possibility of function assignment error.

The request is for a list of names to be attached to each pin, which can be selected in component properties, and that this list is capable of being added to or overridden in the schematic, giving a custom functional name embedded in the design.


Default name: PA12
Alternative names (in component): USBDP, CANTX, USART1_RTS, TIM1_ETR
Custom name (in design): RLY1_DRV
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