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 Splitting nets
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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 18 Oct 2006 :  11:21:54  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
It seems to crop up regularly that users want to split nets, but when they go to [Net], [Chage Net] the box for changing the subnet only is greyed out. There's a reason for this, and a way to overcome it.

It's not enough to physically separate the nets so that there's no track linking them. Any optimise net command is still going to link them with a rubber band connection. The trick is to find it/them. First click on part of the net, and use the highlight selected net option. Then turn all the layers off. the quick way to do this is with the three buttons on the lower LHS of the screen. Now the unwanted connection(s) will show up in the highlight colour. Delete them, turn on your layers, and rename the part of the net you want to change. Simple when you know how. Remember to remove the highlight.

Peter Johnson
Technical Support
Number One Systems


1 Posts

Posted - 03 May 2007 :  13:34:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I read this post a few times and was still stumped and had to bug poor Peter. Here's some additional information that people may find helpful.

If the rubber band connection (unrouted Net connection, usually yellow in color) isn't readily apparent then it's possible it's not being shown. I had this happen to me and couldn't find the link. I clicked on the View pull down menu, then Net Connections, and finally Show Selected Only option. This made the hidden rubber band link visible. I then followed his directions to turn off all the layers, found the rubber band link and deleted it.

One last little thing that took me a while to figure out - How to actually rename the Net!

Peter said:

...and rename the part of the net you want to change.

Since I now had found and deleted the rubber band connection of the two Nets I wanted to split, I then need to rename one segment otherwise they are still connected. Right click on any segment of the Net that you want to split, select Net, then Change Net. In this window you should see a check box 'Change Name of Subnet Only' that's normally grayed out. Check this and type in a new name for Net in the 'Net Name:' line on the top of the window and click Ok.

If the check box is still grayed out, you haven't managed to separate the parts completely, so you need to re-check everything again.

Hope this helps clarify for others.
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Peter Johnson

United Kingdom
509 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2007 :  04:43:09  Show Profile  Visit Peter Johnson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
This brings up another issue. How do you show your nets when they're hidden. I've posted another topic on this in the 'General' section.
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