Has anyone else noticed that when creating a new part, the Unit Precision is default to zero for both current and alternate units ?? It's caught me out a few times when swapping from thou to mm (50thou grid became a 1mm grid and not 1.27mm)! Even opening up old library part s to edit, unless the precision is 'reset' to a sensible value (e.g. 2 or 3) and the library part is re-saved it defaults to zero! Do I need to raise this as a bug ... it's not very friendly (or logical) and is gonna cost someone a board revision as is. I'm using v19.0.4.
Yup, I have seen this too. In fact I have seen it so often I now automatically set the precision before proceeding. Should really be reported ..... I did fiddly with things once a long time ago and looked like I had fixed it, but at some point (maybe an update) it returned and I have just learned to live with it.
In fact I have seen it so often I now automatically set the precision before proceeding.
There are quite a lot of things I seem to do over and over ... it's only when I sit down for a few days and create a batch of new components that you realize how long you spend doing the repetitive 'workarounds' rather than the actual productive stuff! I'll definitely log it then.