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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gaztech46 Posted - 10 Feb 2023 : 16:33:26
Hi guys,

Hopefully a quick question.

I have moved my EPC install to another machine. Therefore I now have a "vanilla" system with no custom libraries. How can I copy the old custom libraries (on the machine I wish to retire) into the new system? Is this a matter of drag and drop or is it a messy "import of each component" exercise?

Looking into it, it looks like I have to create a new library each time and import the individual components. That is going to take ages!

Is there no drag and drop into folder xxx? - Or copy to folder x... ?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gaztech46 Posted - 11 Feb 2023 : 12:50:55
Ah... That's what I thought but I couldn't find the libraries!

I did eventually find them in the Users\Public Documents\Easy-PC\Library folder. Thanks for the heads up.
edrees Posted - 10 Feb 2023 : 20:19:23
Simply copy the old "custom" library files (schematic, pcb and component) over to your new machine.
Make sure you place them on the correct folder pointed to on your preferences.