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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Peter Johnson Posted - 15 Aug 2023 : 12:58:16
Some users of Microsoft Edge with V27 are getting an installation error message that Webview2 is missing, which is odd as it is a Microsoft utility forming part of Windows 10 and 11.

Fortunately this is easy to correct. Please use the link below to install the missing files:
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
shadders Posted - 07 Sep 2024 : 10:47:24
Had problems with Easy-PC version 28 working in Wine – would not install, and also in a fully updated Windows 8.1 virtual machine.

With windows 8.1, I had to install webview2 v109 as this was the last supported version for windows 8.1, and later versions would not install.

To get version 109 then the following link works (official Microsoft website) :

You will need to rename the downloaded v109 as per command used below.

(Solution from :

To get it to run, run the command window as administrator and use the following command :

MicrosoftEdgeStandaloneInstallerX86.exe /installsource windowsupdate /install "appguid={F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}&needsadmin=true"

There is a known bug in WINE, but I use Play On Linux to manage the various installations, and the latest x86 version with the fix is not available at the moment.

jlawton Posted - 31 Aug 2023 : 18:19:31
Thanks Peter, just what I needed!
FYI, I had this problem on my Windows 7 machine with the Edge browser, now fixed.
