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 Non–masked border inside board outline?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris55000 Posted - 01 Jul 2022 : 18:38:44
Is there a method where I can leave about 2 cm. inside the physical board edge clear of the solder mask?

The 1967 Vintage BRC TV PCB I am trying to make for a vintage Radio Forum Member is made that way to allow a neater and visually more pleasing appearance!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Chris55000 Posted - 05 Jul 2022 : 10:12:07

I didn't know that it was actually exactly the same principle as I couldn't find it in the User Guide!

Chris Williams

edrees Posted - 01 Jul 2022 : 22:15:37
Yes, -see the reply Iain and I gave you when you asked a very similar question regarding solder resist on your edge connector.