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 Traces in inner layers not in same gerber

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PeterHer Posted - 01 Jun 2022 : 14:26:16
Hi All,

I have a board with 4 layers.
The two inner layers are a power and a ground plane.
I had no other option then to route two traces on the power plane.
Now, I find out that the power plane has two gerbers files.
- Unit001 - +3V3 (Power Plane) => full copper
- Unit001 - +3V3 (Power Plane Positive) => showing the two traces
Is it possible to to combine these two?
I see no option in plotting and printing to do so.

Thanks in advance,
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PeterHer Posted - 02 Jun 2022 : 11:11:57
Thanks, problem solved
edrees Posted - 01 Jun 2022 : 16:25:04
Ignore the Power Plane setting for the inner layers, i.e. remove the Bias=Power Plane in Design Tech Layers setting.
Treat them as ordinary layers like the Top/Bottom Layers. Route your tracks on the inner layers, then flood the Inner Layers with Power and Ground nets.
Then re-generate your Gerbers as normal and you won't have 2 "Power Plane" gerbers anymore.