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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jgrosjean Posted - 14 Nov 2022 : 14:50:23
Is there any way to set up the arrow keys in the keyboard to move the cursor?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jgrosjean Posted - 22 Nov 2022 : 19:00:36
Interestingly, when Easy-PC is run with Wine in Linux, the arrow keys move all the cursors.
jgrosjean Posted - 22 Nov 2022 : 16:39:16
You are correct. When I run Easy-PC in my virtual machine, the cursor moves with the arrow keys only when it is a large cross, but when I run it in Win10, the cursor always moves with the arrow keys.
edrees Posted - 22 Nov 2022 : 12:39:14
If the Ruler "ticks" move (but not the cursor itself) then I suspect that this may be down to a video refresh issue with your hardware. Suggest you contact Tech Support, -they offer excellent support for most issues.
jgrosjean Posted - 21 Nov 2022 : 21:47:25
On my computer, the cursor moves with the arrow keys only when it is set to be a large cross. Otherwise, only the small lines on the rulers which show the cursor location move but not the cursor.
edrees Posted - 14 Nov 2022 : 15:36:49
I think the Arrow keys (including 8,4,6,2 on numerical keyboard) move the cursor by default!