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 Breaking pcbs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
john_oakley Posted - 30 Jan 2018 : 00:54:01
I am working on a pcb which requires it to be snapped in 2 after manufacture. I just wondered if anyone has done this. I've put some rectangular slots using shapes across the break point leaving about 1 mm at each end as a snap point and the slots be routed out. I've also seen this done using a series of small holes to weaken the joint and cause it to break easy.
Apart from the method I've adopted, is there a function or another way to achieve this in version 10 or higher?. Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Many thanks
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ianafh Posted - 09 Aug 2019 : 09:02:27
Two possible methods for you,

V-score or mouse bites.

Search for 'pcb panelization mouse bites'

nigelwright7557 Posted - 09 Aug 2019 : 08:58:02
If the pcb has an outline the manufacturer will cut the pcb's for you to size anyway..

If your making home made pcb's then leave room to saw the pcb's up.

edrees Posted - 30 Jan 2018 : 08:36:18
Simplest way would be to add a dotted silk screen line on top of your split line and ask your pcb manufacturer to "Vee-Score" the pcb along the dotted line. Vee-Scoring is cheaper than routing out slots etc.