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 Step and repeat problems

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PeteJG Posted - 24 Aug 2015 : 17:11:34
I'm trying to get Step and Repeat to output just the top copper layer to a pdf output so I can make some rudementary prototypes with a light box etc. The function makes the spaces for the plots but only ever shows one plot, I presume the first one. For example, if I ask it to produce a 2x2 layout, the lower left plot is there but the other 3 are not. Yes I could use a gerber editor but this should work! Any ideas please?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edrees Posted - 24 Aug 2015 : 17:40:26
I do this all the time, -printing directly onto transparencies, but I use the "Duplicate" function instead It's just as easy for a 2x2 step & repeat.

Make sure that you have the correct layers ticked in the PRINT dialogue (and actively displayed when you Duplicate/Replicate).