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 Do you send CAD drawings with your RFQ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
markpsu Posted - 02 Oct 2015 : 16:04:12
When I send a quote package to the manufacture, I send the Gerber files as exported from Easy-PC along with a PDF order form that I created with tolerances etc... These are relatively simple board designs. A problem I run into is that the mechanical people at my work start to panic because there is no mechanical drawing such as a CAD file etc... My question is, do the people on this board rely on the Gerber files or do you send a Gerber file plus a detailed mechanical drawing?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edrees Posted - 02 Oct 2015 : 16:22:53
Hi Mark,

I normally include a "Mechanical" Gerber plot as well which has all the dimensions, drill info and any text notes, along with the top copper layer and board outline.

You could give your work colleagues a DXF file of the outline to keep them happy. They can them import that into their CAD system.