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 Making New connections in Gerber Files

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
chris2006 Posted - 28 Nov 2019 : 08:57:21
Hi All

I have gerber files that I need to alter slightly

On the PCB there is a location for a jumper wire which I need to make into a solid track

Is this possible in easy PC V22 ?


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chris2006 Posted - 28 Nov 2019 : 17:07:18

I've downloaded the free trial of GC-PowerPlace to see if that will work

I could ask the PCB manufacturer to make the changes but I'm also interested in learning how to make my own changes
Iain Wilkie Posted - 28 Nov 2019 : 10:51:53
Yup a gerber editor is the way to do it as its a simple modification.
I actually did something similar for a customer a few weeks back ! Its not that difficult.

I use FAB3000 but thats an expensive tool so you might want to look around and find a cheaper or free tool.

edrees Posted - 28 Nov 2019 : 10:43:11
The "best" way depends on a number of factors (as usual). Without seeing the design it's difficult to advise. But from what you are saying a simple mod in a Gerber Editor should do the trick, or just ask your pcb manufacturer to add the copper track for you.
chris2006 Posted - 28 Nov 2019 : 10:09:10

Thanks for the reply

I dont have the original files as I paid for the service and they only provided gerber files for production

Can you tell me the best way to remove the through hole locations where the wire link is situated and make a solid track ?

edrees Posted - 28 Nov 2019 : 09:20:07
A simple mod like this can be effected in any Gerber editor program. You can also import all the Gerber files into EasyPC and do the modification there and regenerate the full set of Gerbers too. But, depending on the exact detail of the pcb design Easy PC may not import all design features of the original pcb layout. For example, some copper flood areas and pad shapes may have to be re-checked afterwards (on both Gerber Import and Intelligent Gerber Import), depending on the original source program used to generate the Gerber files.