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 Multiple Ground Nets

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mike Warren Posted - 26 May 2023 : 09:36:09
I'm designing a PCB for someone else and have a situation that would never come up in my own designs.

The client wants star grounding, but has named all the star paths as different nets.

I can't just join them together, as far as I know, without them becoming a single net, so I thought I'd make a small dummy component with 2 SM pins and copper between them.

This solves the net joining problem, but obviously creates a large number of DRC errors, because everything is very close together.

I can "Accept" these errors, but the text clutters up the PCB and makes it ugly and hard to see exactly what's going on.

1/ Have I missed a way to join nets while keeping them as separate names?


2/ Is there a way to hide accepted errors?

Alternatively, does anyone have another suggestion on how to work around this in a clean way?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Mike Warren Posted - 26 May 2023 : 10:07:50
Beautiful! Thanks Ed.

Since this is the first time I've ever needed to do this, I must have missed it when that feature was added.
edrees Posted - 26 May 2023 : 09:49:42
Search for Star Point in EasyPC help where there is some guidance which may help you. Best of luck.