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 Tracks always start mega-thick and dont snap to gr

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris55000 Posted - 01 Feb 2023 : 19:55:02

Just a quickie one!

Whenever I use "Add" followed by "Track" from the Top Menu they always start mega-thick (100 mil!) and dont snap to the grid or pads properly!

What settings do I need to check to rectify these please?

Chris Williams
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edrees Posted - 02 Feb 2023 : 09:56:25
Are you sure you are adding a track and not sketching a track? -I'm not seeing this issue.

Add=>Track (top menu and side bar menu) produces a track of one of the track thicknesses (possibly last used) specified in Design Tech and will snap to grid (if Grid Snap is enabled). If you press "S" during the track edit , you can change track thickness to any width specified in the drop down table (as specified in the Design Tech).