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 Copy Colour Settings, Fonts, etc., to New Design?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris55000 Posted - 07 Jan 2023 : 13:03:54
Just a quickie one!

I've designed a Rectifier PCB with my favourite fonts, colour settings, track widths, etc., filched from the "Express PCB" settings, can anyone remind me how to save/transfer them to each new design I start please?

I'm afraid it wasn't too clear (to me!) from the bookwork! Is there a "Sticky" for this?

Chris Williams

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edrees Posted - 07 Jan 2023 : 14:55:50
In the pcb editor,-

File => "Save Technology File" and re-name it to "My_Fav_Tech".
Then call up this Technology file whenever you are creating a new pcb.