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 End of track shape

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markpsu Posted - 23 Feb 2021 : 14:23:55
The end of the tracks are rounded. This has always been desirable until now. I have a special circumstance where the ends of the tracks need to be squared off (flat). Does anyone know how to change the end of track shape?
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markpsu Posted - 23 Feb 2021 : 21:04:40
OK, thanks for the feedback. I wouldn't use the squared ends in production (because right angles = bad) but the squared ends would be helpful when modifying the design in RF modeling software, the rounded ends make adjustments difficult. So, I doubt this would be an in demand feature but certainly would make my life easier.
edrees Posted - 23 Feb 2021 : 19:56:29
Thanks Iain for that info from Peter. My hunch was correct!
Iain Wilkie Posted - 23 Feb 2021 : 19:44:29
This from Peter Johnston back in 2013 ...... Quote

Square ends to tracks basically isn't going to happen because of a fundamental problem. In order to create Gerber files the tracks have to be drawn. The ONLY shape which is the same width regardless of the direction of measurement is a circle, so that's what has to be used to draw tracks.

If rectangular or square pads have to be drawn at an angle, the Gerber output has to use macros because apertures can't be rotated to random angles. That's why square apertures can't be used for tracks. It would get horrendously messy!

We're happy to listen to suggestions, but as far as I know it's a problem which is general.
edrees Posted - 23 Feb 2021 : 19:42:45
I'm not aware of any such "Preferences". Hopefully, someone may correct me if I'm wrong. Just checked with KiCAD and that too has rounded track ends.

There must be a good reason for rounded track ends, maybe 'cos it reflects the "Light-Pen" plotter nature of the Gerber format (tracks are "drawn" as opposed to pads that are "Flashed")?
markpsu Posted - 23 Feb 2021 : 16:47:38
Edrees, that should work but I need every track on the board to end this way and there are a lot of tracks. I thought there might be something in preferences to change this but don't see it.
edrees Posted - 23 Feb 2021 : 14:59:03
Terminate the track onto a suitable sized square/rectangular (single sided) pad with no drill hole (with or without solder resist as you please)?