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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lstar337 Posted - 18 Sep 2020 : 15:11:34
Anyone know if it is possible to make a through plated radial slot?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
edrees Posted - 21 Sep 2020 : 10:01:56
@ Iain

That's why I suggested adding copper flood shapes adjacent to the slot, the flood shapes can then be assigned to a net. The copper flood can be added afterwards if the Rules => "Board to Shapes" setting is 0.

As I stated I have not tried this and is only a suggestion, but I think it should work, - perhaps lstar337 can get it confirmed by Support?
Iain Wilkie Posted - 21 Sep 2020 : 09:27:18
Ed .... I had a wee look at this but I couldn't find any way of connecting the board outline plating to a net !!
This would be needed to connect copper from the top to the bottom via the plating throu.

lstar337 Posted - 21 Sep 2020 : 09:00:21
OK, thanks for the idea.
edrees Posted - 18 Sep 2020 : 17:27:29
Depending on size, you might try to add the (Board Outline layer) radial slot shape within your pcb and tick the "Plated" option under "Properties" of the shape. Not tried it,- but should work. You will still need to "flood" some top and bottom copper alongside the slot for manufacturing processes.
lstar337 Posted - 18 Sep 2020 : 16:29:55
That would only create a straight slot. I need a radial (curved) slot.
edrees Posted - 18 Sep 2020 : 15:59:59
You have to create/specify/define a pad (name) with a plated thru "slot" by specifying its shape (rectangular) and length by width in the Design Tech,=>Pad Styles.
Don't specify the corner radii too small as this could use a tiny diameter router bit.
lstar337 Posted - 18 Sep 2020 : 15:50:47
I probably should have been more specific. I know it's possible to manufacture, I'm just not sure how to go about it in EasyPC, or if it's possible.
edrees Posted - 18 Sep 2020 : 15:17:28
Yes, -the manufacturing process is identical to plating a thru plated hole/via.