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 Shapes and Copper Pour areas

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lstar337 Posted - 29 Jul 2020 : 10:51:16
Is there any way to convert a shape to a Copper Pour (more specifically 'keep out') area?

I need a pretty specific 'keep out' shape, which would not be easy to create in EasyPC itself. I have created the shape externally and brought it in via DXF import, but I cannot find a way to change it to a Copper Pour area. I use this process a lot for odd shaped board outlines.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lstar337 Posted - 29 Jul 2020 : 10:59:50
Originally posted by ianafh

Right click, change shape type should do it.



I knew that was there too!

Thanks Ian.
ianafh Posted - 29 Jul 2020 : 10:53:54
Right click, change shape type should do it.


Originally posted by lstar337

Is there any way to convert a shape to a Copper Pour (more specifically 'keep out') area?

I need a pretty specific 'keep out' shape, which would not be easy to create in EasyPC itself. I have created the shape externally and brought it in via DXF import, but I cannot find a way to change it to a Copper Pour area. I use this process a lot for odd shaped board outlines.