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 Model didn't show up in Simulator libs

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DavidM Posted - 14 Apr 2009 : 18:38:13
We've come across a puzzling issue with a new model file that turned out to have a simple explanation. We had a model file sent to us by a customer, where no matter what was tried it would not appear in the model libraries in Easy-Spice.

It turned out that the file had Mac-style line endings (just CR), whereas the simulator can only read PC-style (CRLF) or Unix-style (just LF) line-endings.

So if you come across a model file that simply doesn't want to appear as a valid model, its worth checking the line-endings. One way of doing this is to use the free 'notepad2' application that has a 'Line Endings' option on its file menu.