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 Microcap Simulation Software Now Free

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
shadders Posted - 08 Oct 2019 : 22:45:37
I was not sure which forum to post this in, but Microcap simulation software is now free :
Not sure what is happening - but the system does look more like a full featured schematic editor - not explored or used before, as it used to cost.

Is this of any interest to Easy-PC or the professional version ?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Iain Wilkie Posted - 17 Nov 2019 : 22:33:03
I’m surprised this wasn’t sold on when Spectrum closed its doors. It’s a very mature product but maybe it’s was their baby and their baby only or no buyers !

The only concern I see is that MC12 came out just before they folded so it might have issues. Having said that you could download previous versions (ie MC11) which will have been through a bit of a debug phase I would have thought.

shadders Posted - 14 Nov 2019 : 16:41:42
Hi Iain,
Glad you like the product, especially for free.

I use LTSpice - but may try this under Wine (on Linux).

As you have said, the costs were prohibitive, which is a reason i never used it. I do have B2Spice, but this is tied to a specific PC using the Lan interface MAC address as security.

The feature set looks much better than LTSpice - and even though support may be an issue - i cannot see a new device being produced where the spice parameters using the existing models cannot be used.

Iain Wilkie Posted - 10 Nov 2019 : 22:19:07
Have had a good play around with this software and it’s impressive !
Of course it would need to be with a previous price tag of $4000+.
I normally use Tina but must say this is much much better.
Ok there will be no ongoing support for this so how long it will operate reliably is a bit of an unknown, but that said this is a mature product and should give years of stable operation.
The previous versions are also available so maybe use MC11 instead of the very latest MC12 if worried about stability.
Bottom line is if you use simulation at all you can’t ignore getting this for free !!!

Iain Wilkie Posted - 09 Oct 2019 : 09:00:38
I use Tina .... it very good but does cost.

This looks interesting .... might have a play about when I get a spare minute !
