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 Auto rename nets

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rbuck Posted - 28 Oct 2014 : 22:53:52
I believe I have found a bug in V18. I was running V18.0. I just downloaded and installed V18.0.3 to see if it corrected the issue but it didn't.

I started a new project that will have 5 schematic sheets in it. I have completed Sheet 1 and I want to auto rename all the nets so they go from N0001 - to whatever. I have 3 different stems in the schematic, Nxxxx, INxx, and RGxx. I select the Auto Rename Nets and select the N stem. The check box for This Stem Only is checked. I have the Start value set to 1. I click the OK button and there is a quick flash and the dialog box goes away. I then select View, Goto, Net..., and none of the nets have been renamed.

I designed a schematic/board a couple of weeks ago using V18.0 and the Auto Rename Nets worked fine. The only difference was that design was not setup as a project. It was a single sheet design. So the bug appears to be if you have the design setup as a project the rename does not work.

Anyone else see this issue? I sent a bug report to Number One yesterday but haven't heard anything back.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toni9999 Posted - 31 Mar 2016 : 15:23:45
Just rename the nets in the PCB then do a back annotation.
gnome1965 Posted - 26 Mar 2016 : 17:27:30
V19: Handling of new net name really leaves a bit to be desired...
-Rename a single net in sch, or auto rename all works so-so (apparently one can't add a new stem, all has to start with "N").
-This rename brings sch out of sync with pcb so one wants to forward design changes...
The program does this in the worst possible way; It disconnects all components, deletes all nets, and rewires all components with the new netnames... Obviously all tracks that you've painstakingly laid down are gone !! Why!? All that's needed was to change the pcb net names and nothing else.
I found a way to salvage the pcb work done:
-Do an Integrety Check (check only!),
-In the report find one component & pin on one of the nets it wants to delete,
-Look component & pin up in sch and copy the net name,
-X-probe that pin, and in pcb paste in and change the attached net name.
-Do this for all (do new Integrety Check after each time you've changed a pcb net name).

This way I was able to forward all the new net names manually, and not a single
track segment was lost.
I guess the short story is that changing sch netnames is just about useless, unless you want to re-route the whole board... Bad when autorouting, disaster when routing manually.

Mamanateda Posted - 17 Dec 2014 : 03:12:40
I also encountered the same problem, my approach is to restart
Brian Posted - 21 Nov 2014 : 12:27:30
See my reply in General Issues to the auto rename bug topic.
edrees Posted - 04 Nov 2014 : 19:24:17
I've experienced a similar problem with auto re-name component (designators) in the sch editor.
It does Page/Sheet 1 OK -but not subsequent pages.

Not tried auto renaming "autonamed" nets though!