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 Renaming components

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PeterHer Posted - 05 Jun 2024 : 14:27:09
Hi All,

I have components with the same name like U1.
There are 7 sheets in the project.
No matter what I do, I seem not to correct this type of error.
I have tried Tools, Auto rename components, All components...
but without any luck. Any idea how to rename all components on all sheets at once?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gnome1965 Posted - 10 Jun 2024 : 21:45:55
Originally posted by PeterHer

I have V27.0.1.
Is there anything special about naming a sheet?
Even renaming on one sheet is not working.

Thats strange, never had that problem. Just experiment a little...
Try creating a new project with a different name, include all schematics, but NOT the PCB, and now rename on a single sheet, or across all sheets. If successful you obviously have to Forward Design Changes to the PCB after it is included.

I dont know about naming rules but I suspect that in a Project EPC knows that all included schematic pages or files belong to the one PCB.
Kieran Jefferies Posted - 10 Jun 2024 : 19:17:47
To re-name a schematic sheet, remove the schematic sheet from the project first, it will let you know that this action will not delete the file. To do this, go to the project page and right click on the schematic sheet you wish to remove and select the option, "Remove From Project". Then navigate to the folder containing this sheet and re-name it. You can now add it back into the project with its new name. To fix the issue with components with same component names on different schematic sheets, I suggest removing all files from the project one at a time until all are removed. Then one by one re-add them, open them as you add them and check that the components have unique names. If this doesn't work, the main project file must be corrupt - last thing I can think of then is to create a new project file and add all files again to this new project. They will need to be removed first from the project that they are in....
gnome1965 Posted - 05 Jun 2024 : 18:31:58
Originally posted by PeterHer

I have V27.0.1.
Is there anything special about naming a sheet?
Even renaming on one sheet is not working.

I dunno what your excact problem is but check that you (EPC) have write
permission to files and locations in use...
PeterHer Posted - 05 Jun 2024 : 15:46:52
I have V27.0.1.
Is there anything special about naming a sheet?
Even renaming on one sheet is not working.
gnome1965 Posted - 05 Jun 2024 : 15:09:43
It works here on V19:
Include all schematics (as separate files) in the Project, and open them.
Then just do an Auto Rename, be sure to tick OFF "By Sheet".